Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Sat at home.

My sis came back from China yesterday... and oh boy... the room is now is a perfect mess.
Such mess that I cannot take it. had not been in my room except for my sleeping time.
Just waiting for her to clear her "rubbish".

Stayed at home in the end because i overslept. Did not go to where I planned before hand , but just made a trip to the AMK library. There was a small small exhibit about Kangxi emperor, which reminds me. I should be going to view the real exhibit which is in Singapore now. That for next week.

Read books about design. There was two design that particularly strike me as innovative.One is a square toilet paper roll. Instead of the usual rounded toilet paper rolls, The square ones are more economically friendly.

The other is a teabag. One with a very interesting concept where people can play with the teabag like playing with a puppet.

Well, not very fruitful today otherwise. Shall make the next Saturday a better one.