Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today is Saturday - but..

Today is Saturday - but that's not the crux of today's topic.

Today, is Saturday, and today, i will blog about my good friend and number ONE assistant - Mr Vernon Tay.

Yes such good friends, we're almost gay-like. But rest assured, the handsome tall and good-looking photographer that is yours truly is 100% straight (:

Anyway today I had an outdoor fashion shoot. The shoot turned out well except for the later part in the evening where I got us lost and we ended up being mosquito food for most of the part. Lol.

I realized Vernon really has been my number 1 assistant and been of indispensable help to many of my shoots.

He came to help me today despite his limping uber painful foot. And he came to help me yesterday to chase dogs around.

Woah I think I am super lucky to have a friend like that. Ok i shant delve too much into it in case it sounds too gay'ish.

On a serious note, thanks man. Thanks lots.

I'm a good photographer ( I dont mean to be egoistical but I know Im good - not the best, but Im good ) - but most of the shots are not possible without the help of Mr No.1 assistant, so yup thanks.

Some shots from yest and today:

Saturday's are really precious to me - especially when I get time off since Im usually at Taka working as a part-time chef on Sats.

I had a great time today and have had the chance to meet wonderful people.

Definitely looking forward to the next big shoot!

Stay tuned people!


Food @ Holland V

So in the end, I went to help Gavin with his photoshoot. Fun, like always, to be able to interact with the models and see how they work. But whats killing me was my leg. Is it suppose to be painful after a longer than usual run? I am now doubting. cause its a different kind of pain that I have. its not one that i experienced before. This do not seem like a muscle ache to me. Only time will tell. maybe i had sprained my leg.

Dinner was at Holland V , and my choice of food is speg aglio olio. This one is one of the nicest pasta that I had. Its even better than that of Ambush. but price range is also alot higher. I guess its the crab meat.

Next week, I am going to Malaysia for my sat. Its planned so long ago. We shall enjoy it!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Not going to the SDC today.

Leg Pain. Had went for a long long run 2 days ago and i am still feeling the sore in my legs.
Its so painful that I have to cancel going to the Singapore Discovery Center (SDC) this time.
Well, that doesn't mean that I'll stop myself from enjoying my sat. I am sure there are activities line up for myself to do. I'll go back reading my book till evening time.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Around Singapore

I feel like going to the Science center or the discovery center this week. Go there see see look look play play. Don't know if there is anything fun there on sat. I'll go there and see. But I think this time I would want to have a companion/ a group to go together. Lets see who would respond to my call out in facebook. Highly doubt so. But, well, I'll try. There is a Paintball arena there... $48 per person at least for 2 hour.

Will do a big planning one day.

2nd of May.
Subjected to changes at the moment.
Venue : Discovery Center.
Time: Full day?
Price: if i am not wrong its $5 entry max. Bring along Student pass just in case. abit extra cash also.
