Wednesday, October 14, 2009

alrights, this is vernon's sister again.
It has been some time since i shared about the next saturday.

and here's some nice saturday plan i have.
and just ABIT of advertising done. =]]

The SSA Youth Division is presenting our very first Soka Youth IgNite Concert. This is a new initiative to bring music and culture to the youth and friends of SSA. The concert features both SSA youth members and friends keen in performing to inspire our youthful audience. The concert will be held on the third Saturday night of each month from October till December.

Highlights for the October concert include :

Rock Medley, Acoustic Performance, Soka Youth Dance Crew and Orange Cove House Band. One guest singer is our very own member Benjamin Hum, from Campus Superstar.

All youthful audience are welcomed! Admission is free for the youths. Adult division members are welcome to bring their youth friends or children to the concert. Seat will be allocated on the first come first serve basis.

Venue: Singapore Soke Association HQ (Tampiness St 81)
Date: 17 Oct 2009
Time: 7:30pm (please be seated by 7pm)


seeya there!

and this is gna be my saturday plan.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I like to sing

I like to sing.... about the moon and the jingle and the linger
I like to sing a ... a song bout' the Moon , my dreams or 2 every little little
things that makes me want you... wooo ..
I like to I like to sing ....

The sat was pack. it has been sometime since my whole sat is full..

Morning time was the serious one where I attended the last official lesson given by led for my class of P3R3. Talk about the different stuffs that is important to traders and also taking some group photos!

straight away i went to Sun tech to enjoy the dance competition's heats. Congrats to the teams that got in. There is something I particularly don't like about the people there.. there was actually this FAT and bulky guy standing infront of me. he thinks that the world owe him his space. WTF. Mr guy is ugly shirt with ugly pants with stupid gold lines at the side. If you can dance, go dance. dun act like you know how to dance and just take up space. Please spare a thought for people around you.. why do you litter? Such a big and wet item somemore... As if people behind don't know what you are doing? When you move away, and no one to take care, the space is gone. Poof. WTF are you doing trying to squeeze back without even asking? expect people to give way to you? somemore want to eat XMM tofu? !? So sorry, but i am not such a person to be pushed back like that. May the Sun Burn you till you roast!

Enough of the stupid stuffs. So, after this, I got a call from my dearest GZ and we went to sing impromtu! cheap and nice place.. with touch screen some more! hahhaa cool sia..Sing sing sing and the day is gone. Poof..

I like to sing!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Went to double O ytd night. Finally know the few types of drinks that suit my taste. No doubt they are light, But i like .

Breezers are nice , and i think i prefer shots.

We had some heart to heart talk and its cool!

As long as you want something hard enough, you can get the world.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Preparation for singapore bay run.

Gonna Be Going for the Singapore Bay Run tomorrow, So, today is just a day of eating potatos, lots of carbs and more carbs.

hydrating myself and preparing for the big day tomorrow! Wish me luck as I embark on my second 21km Run.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Of disappointment and steamboat

First sat that I spent the first half disappointed. What was supposed to be an outing, turned out to be a fly airplane long wait. Left without meeting anyone else other than KC.

The second half of the day, was of course, fun. What wouldn't be fun with my Tango Wing Platoon 1 Section 3? Even though there was alot of spirits ( Boey, Lynuz, Jeremy, Grenade ) floating around. there wasn't a time where we have nothing to talk about. Lotsa fun and... i want to buy that chair i saw in iluma! So nice and comfy.

Steamboat session had nice food, but the hygiene was some problem. could be improved. a 6/10 for the if i were to rate it.

We had a movie which is funny. The whole story revolves around this group of people who went to Vegas for a bachelor's night out, waking up to see their rooms in shambles and with a missing person. How they went around finding clues to what happen the night before.
A very funny show. But not recommended for couples. More for an all guys outing movie.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

2 weeks of Saturday

Hello all, Me being me, forgot to blog about last week. so, let me recap what happened last sat and this sat.

Last Sat, I was actually attending a lesson conducted by SGX. It was from this pro trader called Leonard AKA LED. By attending his lessons, I had actually learnt alot. The gist of what he taught is that if we have an idea that we feel is tradeable, by all means trade using it. Just as long as we have an exit and we follow it. Last is that we be consistent in it. This way it should make us last long. about the actual method, so sorry i'll have to keep it a secret, cause i paid 3k for this course.

And for this week, I got a last minute call that disrupted all my schedule. Sam called me to help her out with an awareness roadshow. Its about this disease called GERD, Gastro esophagus reflux disease. Its actually a disease that can happen to any of us.

Visit wiki to know more about it.

And thats my 2 weeks of saturday. Ah.. time really flies , It feels so short. I need more time!

Monday, July 20, 2009

still in lesson. no time to blog yet

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Of museums and rain

The night started with anticipation and ended with rain.

We had planned to go to the night festival to watch the performance + to go around the museums.
But while we are waiting for things to happen, i look up at the sky and see the red clouds forming in the night. Very quickly due to the rapid winds that were blowing at that time.

Only mange to catch the Daiko drums performance , which was kinda disappointing cause I was expecting a better performance from them. and after awhile, before the second performance starts, the rain started to pour on us, telling us to seek shelter. I guess the rain wants us to find food to eat. Had a very disgusting subway meal (Non-Gassy coke, lukewarm coffee, substandard bread, very few selections) at SMU.

After that , having nothing to do, we tried making our way into the museums and found them too packed to have a good time walking around and enjoying the scene. Anyway, its free after 5, that makes it a very good location for me for the next few free saturdays.

Leaving the crowded place, we went to Thomson Plaza's Starbucks and talk till the place close at 1plus in the morning. :)