Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two point One - Grandma's Birthday

My Grandmother is 70 years old. Wow. more than 3 times my age. Happy Birthday!

All my cousins were around at once, which is a rare sight to see. The last time all of us gathered together must be years ago. I don't even remember when all 10 of us gathered together... My sis wasn't there today. ( Attachment in Beijing). While all of us were talking.. something struck me.. it struck me hard. All of them were attached. ALL, except for me. So, is it me, or is it me? *Laugh out loud and sarcastically

Took the evening off and went to eat sausages at Takashimaya, basement level. You all should try the German sausages and pasta, its nice. There was a bags and shoe promotion going on at Taka and I thought that I would be able to buy a pair of shoes. ( something which I need to buy soon, I am still wearing the pair of shoes that i "claimed" from army)In the end, it was a promo sales for female items. Waste my time.

Boat Quay was the next destination. Walking there was fruitful. I am now aticipating the opening of the very cool shopping center that would be opening beside Somerset MRT sation. It was decided that my BMT section mates would be chilling at Jazz Bar. The Feeling is quite different from the time I went with Weeting and Des.We had a different setting and also an invited singer to sing. Like usual, my group ordered white wine(unsure) and red wine(Cabernet Sauvignon) . Both are nice and rich in their flavour. It's actually better than the Merlot that I drank previously.

Enjoy, and time flies. Saturday is over again. I am so tired now. Not sure if i can make it for my training tomorrow. Haha. Well, I hurt my back area and was suppose to take a rest anyway. so, will have to see how. No pictures this time.


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