Saturday, June 20, 2009


A place that never fails to bring me back some memories, the AMK library.
The familiar scent that can only be found there. the tungsten lightings and all the books.

I had spent my entire afternoon in the library reading and pondering about stuffs. Knowing me, it would be things about knowledge and money. Read 1 whole book there about how people can make 7 digits in 7 years. It talks about doing businesses and also things like increasing our current income significantly so that we can reach our goal. Has been an interesting book.
My OP Cost being not able to go to meet my BMT mates.

My mom asked me out to eat suki sushi at the KBOX plaza near our house. There i met Loo Twang and gang. So long since i've seen them. Guess they have been doing well. I was told that i grew alot taller. Did I? I think i am still 1.73. Maybe its cause I was still small size during my sec school days. Well, I grew... Lets hope its not just physically but also mentally.

Spend the rest of my sat at home watching this new anime called Shangri La. Very nice anime. Those who are looking for a new anime to watch, this is the one i would reccomend. Even though it's plot might be too confusing to really understand.

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