Wednesday, October 14, 2009

alrights, this is vernon's sister again.
It has been some time since i shared about the next saturday.

and here's some nice saturday plan i have.
and just ABIT of advertising done. =]]

The SSA Youth Division is presenting our very first Soka Youth IgNite Concert. This is a new initiative to bring music and culture to the youth and friends of SSA. The concert features both SSA youth members and friends keen in performing to inspire our youthful audience. The concert will be held on the third Saturday night of each month from October till December.

Highlights for the October concert include :

Rock Medley, Acoustic Performance, Soka Youth Dance Crew and Orange Cove House Band. One guest singer is our very own member Benjamin Hum, from Campus Superstar.

All youthful audience are welcomed! Admission is free for the youths. Adult division members are welcome to bring their youth friends or children to the concert. Seat will be allocated on the first come first serve basis.

Venue: Singapore Soke Association HQ (Tampiness St 81)
Date: 17 Oct 2009
Time: 7:30pm (please be seated by 7pm)


seeya there!

and this is gna be my saturday plan.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I like to sing

I like to sing.... about the moon and the jingle and the linger
I like to sing a ... a song bout' the Moon , my dreams or 2 every little little
things that makes me want you... wooo ..
I like to I like to sing ....

The sat was pack. it has been sometime since my whole sat is full..

Morning time was the serious one where I attended the last official lesson given by led for my class of P3R3. Talk about the different stuffs that is important to traders and also taking some group photos!

straight away i went to Sun tech to enjoy the dance competition's heats. Congrats to the teams that got in. There is something I particularly don't like about the people there.. there was actually this FAT and bulky guy standing infront of me. he thinks that the world owe him his space. WTF. Mr guy is ugly shirt with ugly pants with stupid gold lines at the side. If you can dance, go dance. dun act like you know how to dance and just take up space. Please spare a thought for people around you.. why do you litter? Such a big and wet item somemore... As if people behind don't know what you are doing? When you move away, and no one to take care, the space is gone. Poof. WTF are you doing trying to squeeze back without even asking? expect people to give way to you? somemore want to eat XMM tofu? !? So sorry, but i am not such a person to be pushed back like that. May the Sun Burn you till you roast!

Enough of the stupid stuffs. So, after this, I got a call from my dearest GZ and we went to sing impromtu! cheap and nice place.. with touch screen some more! hahhaa cool sia..Sing sing sing and the day is gone. Poof..

I like to sing!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Went to double O ytd night. Finally know the few types of drinks that suit my taste. No doubt they are light, But i like .

Breezers are nice , and i think i prefer shots.

We had some heart to heart talk and its cool!

As long as you want something hard enough, you can get the world.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Preparation for singapore bay run.

Gonna Be Going for the Singapore Bay Run tomorrow, So, today is just a day of eating potatos, lots of carbs and more carbs.

hydrating myself and preparing for the big day tomorrow! Wish me luck as I embark on my second 21km Run.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Of disappointment and steamboat

First sat that I spent the first half disappointed. What was supposed to be an outing, turned out to be a fly airplane long wait. Left without meeting anyone else other than KC.

The second half of the day, was of course, fun. What wouldn't be fun with my Tango Wing Platoon 1 Section 3? Even though there was alot of spirits ( Boey, Lynuz, Jeremy, Grenade ) floating around. there wasn't a time where we have nothing to talk about. Lotsa fun and... i want to buy that chair i saw in iluma! So nice and comfy.

Steamboat session had nice food, but the hygiene was some problem. could be improved. a 6/10 for the if i were to rate it.

We had a movie which is funny. The whole story revolves around this group of people who went to Vegas for a bachelor's night out, waking up to see their rooms in shambles and with a missing person. How they went around finding clues to what happen the night before.
A very funny show. But not recommended for couples. More for an all guys outing movie.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

2 weeks of Saturday

Hello all, Me being me, forgot to blog about last week. so, let me recap what happened last sat and this sat.

Last Sat, I was actually attending a lesson conducted by SGX. It was from this pro trader called Leonard AKA LED. By attending his lessons, I had actually learnt alot. The gist of what he taught is that if we have an idea that we feel is tradeable, by all means trade using it. Just as long as we have an exit and we follow it. Last is that we be consistent in it. This way it should make us last long. about the actual method, so sorry i'll have to keep it a secret, cause i paid 3k for this course.

And for this week, I got a last minute call that disrupted all my schedule. Sam called me to help her out with an awareness roadshow. Its about this disease called GERD, Gastro esophagus reflux disease. Its actually a disease that can happen to any of us.

Visit wiki to know more about it.

And thats my 2 weeks of saturday. Ah.. time really flies , It feels so short. I need more time!

Monday, July 20, 2009

still in lesson. no time to blog yet

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Of museums and rain

The night started with anticipation and ended with rain.

We had planned to go to the night festival to watch the performance + to go around the museums.
But while we are waiting for things to happen, i look up at the sky and see the red clouds forming in the night. Very quickly due to the rapid winds that were blowing at that time.

Only mange to catch the Daiko drums performance , which was kinda disappointing cause I was expecting a better performance from them. and after awhile, before the second performance starts, the rain started to pour on us, telling us to seek shelter. I guess the rain wants us to find food to eat. Had a very disgusting subway meal (Non-Gassy coke, lukewarm coffee, substandard bread, very few selections) at SMU.

After that , having nothing to do, we tried making our way into the museums and found them too packed to have a good time walking around and enjoying the scene. Anyway, its free after 5, that makes it a very good location for me for the next few free saturdays.

Leaving the crowded place, we went to Thomson Plaza's Starbucks and talk till the place close at 1plus in the morning. :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Of Mona Lisa and The Science Centre

Mona Lisa is a 16th century portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. Currently owned by France and placed in the Louvre in Paris. I saw Mona Lisa today. not the actual painting but a replica of course.

For those that who doesn't know, Mona Lisa is painted using a method called "sfumato" . Looking up close at the Mona Lisa, I see intricate details of the painting. What is she thinking during that time? I wonder. Guess this would always be a mystery to the world after. For those who wants to know more about Leonardo Da Vinci, Do go to the science centre to view the exibit.

And the Science centre... Its somewhat different, but still similar in some sense. Alot of new things but theres also alot of old stuffs. Those who remember the tesla coil, and the smoke machine, its still there. New things such as robotics, genes, maths were being displayed.

And on a side note, I cannot believe that the science centre has so many visitors as compared to the SDC. I have to queue for some time to get the tickets and there is not one, but 3 ticketing booths to choose from.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday at SGX

It has been a long time since I wake up in the early morning just to go to the CBD area for either work or event. This time, i went to SGX to attend a special event organised by SGX. They had speakers coming from the industry talking about being brokers, remisiers , or pro-traders(locals).

I was intrigue by this 2 pro-traders who come from the industry. One is the top trader. the other is one who has a very high profile in trader. both are current traders and are not like the other educators who teach newbies, ( those being ex-traders ). Alot of learning experience to be gained from them and I am sure glad i made this choice to wake up and go to SGX this sat. Something that gave me a shock is the amount that they are playing with. Everyday its throwing 1 car in and out of the trades. So pro. 6 figures almost every time they trade. I aspire to be like them and be even better !

Saturday, June 20, 2009


A place that never fails to bring me back some memories, the AMK library.
The familiar scent that can only be found there. the tungsten lightings and all the books.

I had spent my entire afternoon in the library reading and pondering about stuffs. Knowing me, it would be things about knowledge and money. Read 1 whole book there about how people can make 7 digits in 7 years. It talks about doing businesses and also things like increasing our current income significantly so that we can reach our goal. Has been an interesting book.
My OP Cost being not able to go to meet my BMT mates.

My mom asked me out to eat suki sushi at the KBOX plaza near our house. There i met Loo Twang and gang. So long since i've seen them. Guess they have been doing well. I was told that i grew alot taller. Did I? I think i am still 1.73. Maybe its cause I was still small size during my sec school days. Well, I grew... Lets hope its not just physically but also mentally.

Spend the rest of my sat at home watching this new anime called Shangri La. Very nice anime. Those who are looking for a new anime to watch, this is the one i would reccomend. Even though it's plot might be too confusing to really understand.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eating and eating and eating...

When you think about chill-out in Singapore, where would you go?
My group went to this place in Sin ming called IceKimo to eat ice-cream. What could make it more chilling ? The Waffles ice-cream were good, but then don't try the cookies and cream unless you prefer big chunks of soft cookie.

As soon as we finish the food, we went all the way to suntec to eat again. this time at Astons. There we had cheap food and oh no.. I left the bottle that I wanted with YYY. I don't really like their service there. Slow and un-responsive. It might be better if you have alot of time to spare. since the wait is quite long.

There was a Watson Mega Sale and the PC fare there. What can you expect from singaporeans? Squeeze and queue for the cheap stuffs. I guess marketing campaign really work. Just a few cents cheaper and you find people clamouring to buy bags full of stuffs.
Buy more Save more. hahaa.... what irony.

We had the second helping of dinner at TCC. This time with Ujn around. So fun to see Sam screaming and beating ujn when he looked at her.

Fomr there on we chilled at Sam's house till late. where we talked about alot of stuffs and played with the webcam that she just bought.

planning for next week. :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chomp Chomp dinner.

the gang of us went to serangoon gardens to eat this sat. Can't believe the place is so so packed full of people that we even had to wait for a good 15 minutes before we get our seats.

Guo Zong , AKA Owl , AKA 1 hour , is earlier than expected, being late for only about half an hour.
Took turns to make fun of him. But i guess he can take it, if not he would have been angry already.

We had lots of food, but the best one we had that meal was the chicken wings. so much so that we ordered another plate of it .

while taking the bus back to somewhere, one of us suggested a movie and off we go to AMK hub for a midnight movie. <>

Show rating... 6/10 if not for the pretty female character, this movie would not have made the mark. Plot was very expected and the story does not really flow well. I think we would have preferred to watch <> .

Anyone wants to watch that show with me?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

MTV Making

This Saturday started from the night before. where i went to VIVO in hopes of seeing Razzleplay play but to my disappointment, I cannot find the place where they play. Gave up in the end and went to my second destination at cine. Watched terminator Salvation. Its a nice to watch show and can be better though. Anyway the whole thing is a paradox and i will expect that there will be a T5.

Soon its the MTV making thingy which is totally a turn off, but I guess we did had some fun there. Don't really like the song for this year, its going to be something that people will forget once again.. Like 2007's Song "there no place i rather be".

Went off earlier since we didn't really take part in the making in the end. The most interesting part is the part where we got lost. hahaa... See, its not just me who got will get lost, everyone will. :)

Playing with light!

My Attempts with shooting a cool drummer
Working till the morning sun rises

Once we reached home, its a long long 9 hours of sleep!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Finally, To Singapore Discovery Center

After deferring it for 2 weeks, I finally made it to the SDC today!
This time with QJ. Lots of fun stuff today!

Had our lunch at AMK Hub, found out that its so difficult to find a seat to sit and eat. Went round and round and finally settled on Mos Burger. Even there, we still have to wait sometime before we get our seats.

While on the way on the train to Boon Lay, we encountered an uncle who listen in on our conversation, became interested and started asking me questions about our conversation. Luckily or unluckily, he joined in only when we were near Jurong East Interchange, where all of us have to get off.

Happily we went to JP to look for a financial calculator. Not worth it at the moment, so I did not buy . Guess in the end , i would have to use the spreadsheet to help solve my business finance questions! (Its a short course i am taking at the moment)

And on the way out to the bus interchange this is what we saw.

Yes, an advertising campaign that looks weird ( They are posing as rioters i think )

Taking a non-aircon double decker 193 , it brought back some nostalgic feelings. Makes me remember when we were younger. :)

First thing we do when we reach was the range. is a must try ( $6 for 40 rounds for 4 minutes ) I feel that this is abit over priced. But well, hahha. nice staff and nice customer service. I like.

Here are our 2 marksman who had more than 85% hit and kill rate!

After this game, we reluctantly pay $10 for an entry ticket, a movie ticket and a tour around Safti MI. We had only wanted the entry ticket , but it all comes in a package, had no choice.

Played around inside.

See the irony here?

See myself on TV. Having to read the old news. Being an on site reporter.

Building land Designs .

Doing stupid Quizzes, talking to the high intelligence robot.

Going into the Iwerks Movie theatre which has a very huge Screen that plays 3D movie.

About 5 times the height of the lady standing there!

And to end off the trip, we had a run at the Sub-Standard Obstacles Course outside the museum!
For those who wants to remember those days.

PS- Please ignore the sounds

Dinner at JP was almost the same as AMK Hub... Its so packed full of people we cannot even find a seat in the air-con food court.

This is a nice saturday! With the friendly staff of the SDC. Even the security guard is friendly!

Till Next week!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Sat at home.

My sis came back from China yesterday... and oh boy... the room is now is a perfect mess.
Such mess that I cannot take it. had not been in my room except for my sleeping time.
Just waiting for her to clear her "rubbish".

Stayed at home in the end because i overslept. Did not go to where I planned before hand , but just made a trip to the AMK library. There was a small small exhibit about Kangxi emperor, which reminds me. I should be going to view the real exhibit which is in Singapore now. That for next week.

Read books about design. There was two design that particularly strike me as innovative.One is a square toilet paper roll. Instead of the usual rounded toilet paper rolls, The square ones are more economically friendly.

The other is a teabag. One with a very interesting concept where people can play with the teabag like playing with a puppet.

Well, not very fruitful today otherwise. Shall make the next Saturday a better one.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Karen @ Beijing : Random

seems like everyone that's contributing to this blog has been contributing except for me.
maybe a short introduction on who i am.
Vernon's my brother.

and as mentioned in the previous posts,
my current location is in Beijing doing my attachment.
and how time flies.

i would be back at home the next saturday.
for the past 5 saturdays that i have spent here in Beijing,
the school brought the 44 of us (who came over) to the various sight seeing places.
i've climbed the great wall,
went to the heavenly temple,
and to the forbidden city,
798 arts centre,

what a sight!
*pictures of my trip could be found in my facebook, see if you can find me*

coming over for this trip made me realise how fortunate we are, to be living in singapore.
maybe i'll learn to cherish more when i get back.
and weeeeeeee!
another 5 more days and i'll be back!

would be reaching singapore at ard 6pm in the evening.
anyone picking me up?

and one more thing,
Next Saturday is the QuarterFinals for KOnight2.
time:7 pm
venue: SMU ACC
admission free!

KO night is a 2v2 dance battle organised by O school
It's all about freestyle, musicality and teamwork.

and that's my next saturday.

Karen :)

A Journey back to 10 years back.

As the title says, it seems that I had entered into a time warp ( thats the causeway) and landed 10 years back. My first ever trip to JB kinda make me feel like i've entered into the old singapore. With the shopping centers and old age cars around, it led me to think and appreciate the fact that singapore had grew so much and so fast that we've become what we are today..

My trip to JB this sat had been one full of small small pleasant memories. It started with me being the total clueless guy trying to make sure everything is there and nothing goes wrong.

The plan was to stay over at someone's house so that everyone won't be late and be on time. It was also for the 4 of us to gather and meet again since its been sometime since we went out together again. The moment I reached Kailing'Jie's house, I had the familiar Rinko and Kookie barking at the door. So familiar , it seems that it was yesterday when we met. Played games and slept late, and being woken up by Rinko's lick.

Rise and shine. Soon, we reached the causeway, and into the singapore 10 years ago.

There we had a taste of weird weird chicken wings, weird weird pastas and also our favourite KBOX singing. I see the sources of KL jie's BIG BIG collection of magnets, a shop that sells them cheap , wondering when her collection would be full.

After the whole day, we had this very big dinner somewhere ( i forgot where). quite some feast!
Crossing the timewarp, we reach safely back to singapore around 10+ , and i came to ponder what should i do the NExt Saturday!

PS. Going back was funny, cause it seems that i am always the last one out of the customs and the one to be checked. Missed the bus cause of this and we had to wait sometime for the next one. I see this as experience, the next time, when this happen when I am alone, at least i won't panic! haha.

Pics might be or might not be out depending on QC. :)


Saturday at Work

Vernon ask me to contribute to his blog, "The Next Saturday". But I usually work on saturday... So why not blog about work? Haha... I work at Sizzler on casual employment (sad to say... the work is anything but casual...) as a dishwasher... My duties includes *drumroll please!* washing dishes! And washing the dishwashing machine, the floor, the backlane, the type of washing my mum would like me to do at home too (but I rather not... =x)...

Timestamp always wrong 1... I start work at 1815 hours... Before the crowd come in and destroy us! The resturant closes at 9, but work stops much later...

Ali and I. Ali is my fellow dishwasher... He, like me is studying in Perth... He's from India... He get kinda pushy during work... But after work he's a great guy... Work is work... We all work hard... All your dishes are cleaned by us! =x

Either my head is damn big... Or his is damn small... I wonder which is which...

Work ends at 11pm today... Which means I worked for around 4 hours and 45 minutes... In other words... I got extra money to spend!

The dark unlit route I walk home by...

More dark unlit route...

Post-work meal... I have Macca's about 3 times a week... Which is more then the average person... HAHAHA! But I'm slim... Really... See photo above!

You can find more lack of adventure of Yimian in Perth at ayearwithoutlaksa! Spam Spam Spam! =X

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today is Saturday - but..

Today is Saturday - but that's not the crux of today's topic.

Today, is Saturday, and today, i will blog about my good friend and number ONE assistant - Mr Vernon Tay.

Yes such good friends, we're almost gay-like. But rest assured, the handsome tall and good-looking photographer that is yours truly is 100% straight (:

Anyway today I had an outdoor fashion shoot. The shoot turned out well except for the later part in the evening where I got us lost and we ended up being mosquito food for most of the part. Lol.

I realized Vernon really has been my number 1 assistant and been of indispensable help to many of my shoots.

He came to help me today despite his limping uber painful foot. And he came to help me yesterday to chase dogs around.

Woah I think I am super lucky to have a friend like that. Ok i shant delve too much into it in case it sounds too gay'ish.

On a serious note, thanks man. Thanks lots.

I'm a good photographer ( I dont mean to be egoistical but I know Im good - not the best, but Im good ) - but most of the shots are not possible without the help of Mr No.1 assistant, so yup thanks.

Some shots from yest and today:

Saturday's are really precious to me - especially when I get time off since Im usually at Taka working as a part-time chef on Sats.

I had a great time today and have had the chance to meet wonderful people.

Definitely looking forward to the next big shoot!

Stay tuned people!


Food @ Holland V

So in the end, I went to help Gavin with his photoshoot. Fun, like always, to be able to interact with the models and see how they work. But whats killing me was my leg. Is it suppose to be painful after a longer than usual run? I am now doubting. cause its a different kind of pain that I have. its not one that i experienced before. This do not seem like a muscle ache to me. Only time will tell. maybe i had sprained my leg.

Dinner was at Holland V , and my choice of food is speg aglio olio. This one is one of the nicest pasta that I had. Its even better than that of Ambush. but price range is also alot higher. I guess its the crab meat.

Next week, I am going to Malaysia for my sat. Its planned so long ago. We shall enjoy it!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Not going to the SDC today.

Leg Pain. Had went for a long long run 2 days ago and i am still feeling the sore in my legs.
Its so painful that I have to cancel going to the Singapore Discovery Center (SDC) this time.
Well, that doesn't mean that I'll stop myself from enjoying my sat. I am sure there are activities line up for myself to do. I'll go back reading my book till evening time.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Around Singapore

I feel like going to the Science center or the discovery center this week. Go there see see look look play play. Don't know if there is anything fun there on sat. I'll go there and see. But I think this time I would want to have a companion/ a group to go together. Lets see who would respond to my call out in facebook. Highly doubt so. But, well, I'll try. There is a Paintball arena there... $48 per person at least for 2 hour.

Will do a big planning one day.

2nd of May.
Subjected to changes at the moment.
Venue : Discovery Center.
Time: Full day?
Price: if i am not wrong its $5 entry max. Bring along Student pass just in case. abit extra cash also.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two point One - Grandma's Birthday

My Grandmother is 70 years old. Wow. more than 3 times my age. Happy Birthday!

All my cousins were around at once, which is a rare sight to see. The last time all of us gathered together must be years ago. I don't even remember when all 10 of us gathered together... My sis wasn't there today. ( Attachment in Beijing). While all of us were talking.. something struck me.. it struck me hard. All of them were attached. ALL, except for me. So, is it me, or is it me? *Laugh out loud and sarcastically

Took the evening off and went to eat sausages at Takashimaya, basement level. You all should try the German sausages and pasta, its nice. There was a bags and shoe promotion going on at Taka and I thought that I would be able to buy a pair of shoes. ( something which I need to buy soon, I am still wearing the pair of shoes that i "claimed" from army)In the end, it was a promo sales for female items. Waste my time.

Boat Quay was the next destination. Walking there was fruitful. I am now aticipating the opening of the very cool shopping center that would be opening beside Somerset MRT sation. It was decided that my BMT section mates would be chilling at Jazz Bar. The Feeling is quite different from the time I went with Weeting and Des.We had a different setting and also an invited singer to sing. Like usual, my group ordered white wine(unsure) and red wine(Cabernet Sauvignon) . Both are nice and rich in their flavour. It's actually better than the Merlot that I drank previously.

Enjoy, and time flies. Saturday is over again. I am so tired now. Not sure if i can make it for my training tomorrow. Haha. Well, I hurt my back area and was suppose to take a rest anyway. so, will have to see how. No pictures this time.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Grandma Birthday

Thanks Eby for writing such an interesting post here.

Looking at this Saturday, its my grandma's lunar birthday. All my relatives are going to celebrate for her and its going to be held at my uncle's house. There would be a 3kg cake, buffets, and what not.

I foresee a lot of unknown people coming. Oh no... .they are bound to ask me what am I doing now , and I have to spend time explaining all over again. Lucky, I was told that I do not need to spend the whole day there, as long as I make my presence felt. Should be easy. Dress relatively well and I should be getting some attention. Then after that I'll remove myself from the scene. Go out in the night i guess?

Maybe. Some planning. Lets see if i can get some friends out first.

I am thinking or going somewhere to relax or chill.
Depending on who I can get, I'll plan again.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturdays @ QLD: Conrad Treasury Casino 18/04/09

Firstly, Many thanks to Vernon for inviting me to be a contributor to this blog.

My posts might be a little harder for Singaporeans to relate to as I'm currently residing in Brisbane, Australia for my studies. Studying in a foreign land does give me the opportunity to check out various fun-spots and tourist spots. Ultimately, I do hope my posts can help those who are keen on having a vacation in Queensland , Australia- namely in Brisbane. Hence, the Headline for my post will be "Saturdays @ QLD".

(18/04/2009) Unlike Singapore, the easter holidays here span for a week. This week is used mainly for rushing of reports and preparation for mid semester breaks. Last Saturday, we decided to try our luck at winning air tickets back to Singapore at the Conrad Treasury Casino.

With over 80 gaming tables and 1300 gaming machines, this casino is the biggest in Queensland. The Casino is located at William Street inside the Central Business District. It is easily accessible by Bus services, trains and the CityCat (Ferry service on the Brisbane river). If you are staying at the suburbs and want to take a cab, do share it with your friends as the cab fare can be quite high. From where I'm staying (St. Lucia), the 10 minute Taxi ride can amount up to AUD $16.00.

The Conrad Treasury Casino

Inside the casino, expect a good table gameplay. From a traditional round of Blackjack to the current hot favourite- Texas Hold em up. Just dun ask for a Big 2(Dai dee) table, nothing will happen. Different tables have different minimum bets ranging from AUD $5 for the casual gamer to the AUD $50 for the high flyers.

No, I did not win an air ticket back as I did not play. For those who feel that gambling is not their thing, there's a nice bar and a live band area. I'm not so sure about the prices of the drinks as I did my drinks out of the casino. The outside the casino can get a tad bit rowdy due to 2 bars being near the casino. There is a never ending line of Taxis in that area so getting back to your accomodation should not be much of a problem.

Till the next Saturday..Cheers Mate

-Eby Mazini-

One point two

Here are some of the pictures that was taken last sat.

By the way, the ladies playing the ruan are twins. haha..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One point One

Had an unexpected surprise today when i went to the esplanade today. It was so packed today.

Strings in Harmony: Tone of the Ruan
was up to my expectation. It was a great show and I've enjoyed the music. Today was the first time I've seen a Ruan. Its a type of chinese string instrument that produces a more mellow sound than the guitar or violin. I like it .

The quartet played a series of music starting from "the entertainer" , "Country dance" , "Prince ego" , "Fantasia in A minor ( I like this )" and bla bla bla. (couldn't catch the names of the rest of the music) Either the musics played were short and sweet or it flew pass while i was enjoying it. Haha.

Went to the outdoor theatre after that and there I got a second performance to watch. Its nice to dwell in music. The lady is from Jakarta, and had a powerful voice. With her was a drummer and and guitarist who seem so familiar. Immediately , I recognise both of them. they were part of the group that had performed the day before and would be performing after this show. Enjoyed it.

Took a few pics , but have not uploaded yet. It will be up in a few days time.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The First Sat.

Because i have a performance the next day, This day should be something that is not taxing on my strength or concentration.

Date : 18 April 09
Budget : 10 bucks ( inclusive of food )

Venue : Esplanade ( Since this is the first one )
Time : 5- 9:30
Things to bring: Digicam
Planning checklist :
Music event : Strings in Harmony: Tone of the Ruan (Either 5:15 ,6:15 or 7:15)

Food @ Marina Square.

Number of people : 1+

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Next Sat

Saturdays, they come and goes every week . It is a day that everyone looks forward to. A day where people take effort to plan and go out with friends, or to stay at home and take a good rest, preparing thyself for the new week that would come again. Okay , maybe not for everyone. ( There are still poor souls who are working their butts out during this day.)

Everyone have different plans, and do different things on their precious Saturdays. Isn't it interesting ? Maybe you'll be with your soul mate having a romantic day. Or maybe you might be working and would want someone out there to listen to what you had gone through that day.

Sometimes, we might forget our plans, or have not enough people interested enough to get it going, why not write it down ? It might reach people who are interested , and get this plan going?

My plans at the moment... is to explore Singapore on my Saturdays(on budget). Be it alone or with friends. I will go. Deciding to either take pictures or write the day. Who knows, maybe i might meet people who would like to explore the same places as me. :)